Hans Christian Anderson’s fairytale “The Ugly Duckling” is the story of a young swan who hatches in a duck’s nest. From the moment he emerges from his oversized egg, he is ostracized and cruelly humiliated by others because of his appearance leading him to believe, throughout the story, that there is something wrong with him. Some literary critics believe that Anderson was allowing readers a peek into his own life with this story since he was teased for his appearance while growing up and often felt that he didn’t fit in. Fairy tales, folktales, myths, and stories are powerful tools and have been used throughout history to help us understand life. As humans, “We perceive, explain and make sense of the world through stories,” writer Sharon Blackie shares in her recent course, Hagitude. This includes our own narratives too. The origin of our personal story is commonly found in our perception of what we have experienced, read, watched, and been told in our early childhood. “You are the books you read, the films you watch, the music you listen to, the people you meet, the dreams you have, the conversations you engage in. You are what you take from these…You are a collective of every experience you have had in your life.” - Jac Vanek - Interwoven in the fabric of these narratives are subconscious beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world. They act like lenses that can constructively or destructively alter the way that we see the world. “Beliefs are nothing more than thoughts that over time we come to believe are true. And can shape our perceptions.” - Rachel Eddins - Take a moment now and consider your own beliefs. What beliefs do you carry around about yourself and the world?
Rewriting your story means challenging that inner voice and becoming your own storyteller, which begins by understanding how your past experiences relate to now. “The story we hold of ourselves is continually evolving and changing based on the experiences we are having. No, the facts about your past can't change. But the story you tell yourself about them absolutely can change.” - Benjamin Hardy, Ph.D. - As a child, I was a voracious reader of stories and loved writing my own. Today, I am still an avid reader of various genres and consider myself a guide who assists others in reconnecting with and rewriting their past in a way that reveals truth and restores strength. In a Subtle Energy Alignment™ Session, we begin with discovering which beliefs your body and mind align with. For example, when you make the statement, “I matter,” is every part of you aligned with that statement? If you are not fully aligned with the words, we will trace the origin to a place in your biography or ancestral lineage to understand what happened that prevented you from believing that you matter. Once you recognize the link between the past and the present your perception shifts, and you’re now empowered to write a supportive narrative based on the truth that you do matter. Since we are dynamic beings, reshaping the stories we hold is an ever-changing and unfolding process involving many drafts as we grow into our most authentic selves, and it would be my pleasure to support you in this process. Bright Blessings! “Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.”
~ Mary Oliver ~ Comments are closed.
AuthorMy roles in life are many: woman, daughter, mother, partner, friend - and so many more. I am passionate about Systemic Constellations, genealogy, animism, healing, ritual, energy, art, and the places they meet in the world. Archives
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