Hans Christian Anderson’s fairytale “The Ugly Duckling” is the story of a young swan who hatches in a duck’s nest. From the moment he emerges from his oversized egg, he is ostracized and cruelly humiliated by others because of his appearance leading him to believe, throughout the story, that there is something wrong with him. Some literary critics believe that Anderson was allowing readers a peek into his own life with this story since he was teased for his appearance while growing up and often felt that he didn’t fit in. Fairy tales, folktales, myths, and stories are powerful tools and have been used throughout history to help us understand life. As humans, “We perceive, explain and make sense of the world through stories,” writer Sharon Blackie shares in her recent course, Hagitude. This includes our own narratives too. The origin of our personal story is commonly found in our perception of what we have experienced, read, watched, and been told in our early childhood. “You are the books you read, the films you watch, the music you listen to, the people you meet, the dreams you have, the conversations you engage in. You are what you take from these…You are a collective of every experience you have had in your life.” - Jac Vanek - Interwoven in the fabric of these narratives are subconscious beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world. They act like lenses that can constructively or destructively alter the way that we see the world. “Beliefs are nothing more than thoughts that over time we come to believe are true. And can shape our perceptions.” - Rachel Eddins - Take a moment now and consider your own beliefs. What beliefs do you carry around about yourself and the world?
Rewriting your story means challenging that inner voice and becoming your own storyteller, which begins by understanding how your past experiences relate to now. “The story we hold of ourselves is continually evolving and changing based on the experiences we are having. No, the facts about your past can't change. But the story you tell yourself about them absolutely can change.” - Benjamin Hardy, Ph.D. - As a child, I was a voracious reader of stories and loved writing my own. Today, I am still an avid reader of various genres and consider myself a guide who assists others in reconnecting with and rewriting their past in a way that reveals truth and restores strength. In a Subtle Energy Alignment™ Session, we begin with discovering which beliefs your body and mind align with. For example, when you make the statement, “I matter,” is every part of you aligned with that statement? If you are not fully aligned with the words, we will trace the origin to a place in your biography or ancestral lineage to understand what happened that prevented you from believing that you matter. Once you recognize the link between the past and the present your perception shifts, and you’re now empowered to write a supportive narrative based on the truth that you do matter. Since we are dynamic beings, reshaping the stories we hold is an ever-changing and unfolding process involving many drafts as we grow into our most authentic selves, and it would be my pleasure to support you in this process. Bright Blessings! “Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.”
~ Mary Oliver ~ Blessed Solar New Year!
With the ending of 2022, and the beginning of 2023, this time of year offers us an opportunity to review all that happened last year, with a chance to glean the wisdom gained and release all that doesn't fit into our vision of this coming year. In your reflections of last year, what wisdom have you gleaned? What are you releasing as you step across the threshold of another calendar year? What intentions are you planting for yourself this year? This morning I reflected on all that 2022 held for me as the sun rose over the expanse of the Delaware River. I experienced this past year as a time of Unfolding and Emerging. Just as a flower opens, a butterfly emerges or a snake sheds it's skin, last year was filled with opportunities to release some of my outdated beliefs stemming from childhood. With the strict quarantining requirements relaxing mid-year, as well some deep work around my traumatic birth story, and childhood experiences in a fundamentalist religious organization, I've felt myself slowly unfold in a way that offers many new possibilities for the coming year. There are several new and exciting things to share about this coming year! Until the end of this month, I am offering a special deal on my Initial Family History Research Package. This package includes:
In March, senior facilitator, Andrea Bosbach Largent and I will be beginning an 18-month Systemic Constellation Facilitator Training here on the East Coast of the United States in Maryland. This training is open to all who may be interested. There are a few more spots open so if you are interested, please reach out or register for the free info session coming up this week, on Wednesday, January 4th at 10:00 am EST. Last August I co-facilitated a constellation workshop where we explored birth and birth trauma. Birth trauma is commonplace in our world that it’s often accepted as ‘normal’. Yet it’s not normal and can play a part in moving forward successfully in our lives. The workshop was a great success and this year, we've decided to offer it internationally in July in one of the countries of my ancestors, as a four-day Constellation Retreat in Ireland on Birth. “Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.” ~ Mary Oliver ~ Abundant Harvest Blessings!
August is the beginning of the harvest season where the vegetables and fruits seeded in early spring are almost ripe and are beginning to be harvested. I just returned from a beautiful retreat in the woods this past weekend where I had the chance to review the intentions I created for this year back in November 2021 to see what still needs to be nurtured. What intentions did you seed for yourself for this year? Are your intentions ripening and beginning to be harvested? If not, what still needs to be tended to bring forth an abundant harvest? One of the intentions I seeded at the beginning of the year, which is now coming to fruition, is the creation of more community offerings based on what I have learned along my journey in areas that are exciting and inspiring to me. One thing that helped me nurture this intention has been working with my birth trauma. A friend of mine declares that "how we were born into the world is how we birth (children or projects) into the world." And this has certainly been true for me. I was born two weeks before my due date because of a ruptured amniotic sac during a routine examination. As a result, I was forcefully pulled into the world before I felt ready. For most of my life, I have been reluctant in moving toward my future until I was absolutely CERTAIN that I was prepared and ready. Healing my own birth story has been a tremendous catalyst for several areas of my life opening up in ways I hadn't thought possible. As a result of this work, I am co-facilitating a Birth Constellation Workshop with Andrea Bosbach Largent this month in Horsham, PA. In addition, I just presented a workshop on "Balancing Your Five Subtle Energy Bodies" for the five-month Empowered Empath and Sage Soul Program. I continue to offer Monthly Constellation Circles, Emotional Reconnection Release Sessions, and Genealogical & Family History Research on a regular basis. At the start of the new year, I will be adding Ancestral Field Readings through the Geno Chart Process to my list of offerings. This process allows you to identify your part in your Family System's Healing Journey and provides insight into how you can personally find resolution and healing within your family system. I am currently in supervision for this process and am looking for individuals who are interested in going through the Geno Charting process at a reduced rate as one of my case studies. If you are interested, please contact me. Continue to watch my upcoming newsletters as I also have some brand new online workshops in the development. Bright Blessings! “This strangely still pause between summer and autumn, greenery and gold, and the heat and rising wind that is once again readying itself to rush it all away in a climactic symphony of color and scent is ~ in my opinion, one of the best parts of living on earth.” ~ Victoria Erickson ~ Beautiful Bright Solstice Blessings!
We are at the height of the summer when the sun is at its highest point in the sky here in the Northern Hemisphere, marking the longest day of the year. The cycle of the sun is a good reminder to notice the waxing and waning of the cycles of light and life in us. Are you aware of the light within you? What can you do to nurture and celebrate the light in you? I was born in the late summertime and find this time of year to be my absolute favorite time. I'm enjoying all of the delicious local produce that is available at this time of year, as well as the longer daylight hours to spend both my early morning and evening hours walking in the warm summer air. I often find myself taking just a few moments each day to connect with my inner light and give it space. I welcome you to try it too.
In a little under two weeks, we will arrive at another significant time in the wheel-of-the-year, Alban Elfed (Autumn Equinox).
2020 continues to be a year of change reminding us of the cyclical nature of the celestial bodies as well as the neverending seasonal cycles of nature and life that surrounds us here on Earth. Despite its continual nature, change is often difficult for many people. How do you feel about change? Do you find yourself resisting change and wishing to hold onto what once was, or do you eagerly embrace it with excitement? As the daylight hours begin to grow shorter and the northern hemisphere prepares for the colder months, I encourage you to use the increased hours of darkness to sit in silence and consider your relationship with this cyclical nature of life. In Ancient Greece, during the rituals of Eleusis, the initiate was shown a single kernel of grain and was told, "In silence is the seed of wisdom gained." In reflection, during these last few months, what has changed for you both in your inner and outer worlds? What have you harvested or gleaned from this time? "Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature-the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter." -Rachel Carson- Photo credit: "Orgasmic Orange Overload" by Mendhack We have arrived this week at a significant time in the wheel-of-the-year as the number of hours of both light and darkness in a day are equally balanced. This time, Alban Eilir (Spring Equinox) as it is called in the Druid tradition, offers an opportunity to bring the concept of balance into our lives. In the last few weeks as tensions have risen due to the global pandemic much of my "doing" in the world has been either postponed or canceled leaving me with a tremendous amount of time to focus on just "being." Since last summer I have held the intention to explore, learn and incorporate the healing, mystical, and esoteric practices of my family lineage with a commitment to bring the older wisdom of these traditions back into my consciousness. On November 1st, I began my deep dive into this intention through formal training in the Celtic, Druid and Avalonian traditions of my ancestors. One theme that continues to come up in my studies of these traditions is the concept of balance. With this required slow-down, I find myself with the opportunity to embrace the feminine principle of "being." I have felt a huge exhalation and my entire body relaxes when I spend time being still and listening to the voice of my inner essence that is often drowned out by my regular hurried pace. Our inner essence requires a balance between both "doing" as well as "being." This reminds me of the marigold seedling I planted recently. Not only is it encouraged to grow with the rays of the sun spurring it to reach higher heights, but also through the gentle and quiet support of the earth underneath does it find the strength to birth its full beauty into the world.
During this time of uncertainty for many, I encourage you to support yourself by taking moments to quiet the voices of anxiety and be still enough to listen for the voice of your own essence. What does it have to say? What will bring balance to your life right now? "Life is a balance between what we can control and what we cannot. I am learning to live between effort and surrender." -Danielle Orner- The summer has been full of learning opportunities as well as moments of rest and reflection. On midsummer morning I found a beautiful spot near the Delaware River, which has become my sit-spot for the last few months. I visit this place several times a week to enjoy the beauty just before sunrise as the world begins to wake up.
In June I took a deep dive into the concept of animism with Daniel Foor, Ph.D. at Ancestral Medicine, by looking at how I could strengthen my relationship with the many other-than-human beings that populate my local area. One of the relationships I deepened during the course was with the water via the Delaware River. I have always been wary of "wild water" or water with a strong current such as the ocean or a river, but through connecting with and creating a deeper relationship with the water, my wariness has now been transformed to understanding and respect for this supportive and loving elder spirit of the river. In August I had the opportunity to visit Nine Mountains Retreat and Earthdance in Plainfield, MA. It turns out that the land there is home to a natural mine for the gem rhodonite, known to stimulate, clear and activate the heart. It was the perfect place for the Earth Eros Embodied Retreat, where I had the chance to develop a more loving relationship with my body and myself while feeling the support and nurturing of many plant allies of the northeast. At the end of August, I said farewell to summer with a trip to Cape May, NJ where my family and I had the chance to visit beautiful Sunset Beach. This beach is unique because it is located right where the Delaware River merges into the Atlantic Ocean. The beach is covered with numerous smooth rounded pebbles that have traveled more than 200 miles from the Catskill Mountains of New York to the shores of Sunset Beach. While there we were lucky enough to find a few small "Cape May diamonds," which are quartz stones that have been polished to transparency in their long journey downriver. September is the beginning of our homeschool year. I have mixed feelings of both excitement and sadness as we begin, knowing that this year will be the final year of school for our oldest son, Ian, who will graduate in June of next year. Meanwhile, this past month, we have been busy delving into chemistry, ancient history, civics, microbiology, geometry, and a really fabulous life skills car care class. The month of October brings two blessings as both my sister and sister-in-law are due to give birth this month gifting our extended family with two new beautiful babies! Besides the regular monthly Constellation Circle, later this month I am holding a special evening Introductory Workshop to Family Constellations at Soulutions for Daily Living on the eve of Samhain/Halloween. If you are interested in attending please call Soulutions at 215-968-9750 to sign-up. I am excited to announce that in November I will be joining the faculty of this year's Seeing with Your Heart Immersion Program with Dan Cohen, Ph.D. and Emily Blefeld, LICSW. This is a nine-month program created to empower individuals to transform their blocks into resources and manifest their desires. As an assistant, I was deeply moved last year by the transformation that was achieved by all of the participants. I am looking forward to contributing to that transformation this year! May you have a blessed and abundant Autumn! It is winter where I live, and in the past few months I have reflected on the symbolic "seasons" that we travel through on our life journey both personally and collectively as a society. Recent events in life as well as in the world at large give me reason to believe that we are on a collective journey through the season of winter; a time when we have the opportunity to enter the "Great Below" and notice all that has been ignored or hidden in our own lives and the society that we belong to. Whether intentionally or unintentionally forgotten, these parts are vital to healing. For example, the pain of losing a parent, a child, a sibling, or even a home country can be so intense that it is often buried in order for day-to-day survival to continue, but in order for true healing to begin it is important to acknowledge these uncomfortable and painful experiences.
This month, I invite you to enter a place of inner stillness to see what would like to be noticed and included from your personal past or that of the nation you live in. Simply allow it to be with you, feeling it as part of your past or presence experience. The power of witnessing and acknowledging is the first step toward universal healing. December marks the final month of the calendar year, the beginning of a season of stillness in nature and a descent into the darkest time of year. Most of the wildlife have stored their food for the long winter and are getting ready to settle into a period of semi or full hibernation. A majority of the trees in the northeast have already released their leaves in preparation for the cold weather ahead. This idea of seasons is relevant to humans as well. There are moments in our lives when it's necessary to become still, during the cold night, in order to reflect, listen to our inner wisdom and gain clarity. At other times we enter a longer period-- a "season" where we descend into the unknown territory of the darkness like the wintertime, where our shadows and fears wait to be confronted.
Recently I reflected on the macro and micro cycles that we move through in our lives. On my morning walk, I considered the trees and the teachings they offer about the challenging "seasons" of our lives. Some of the magnificent oak, maple and sycamore trees in my town have stood for years, decades and even centuries while weathering the cycles of life. What helps them move through the difficult time periods of the year? Upon further exploration, I found that trees have several adaptations that help them survive when the weather is unfavorable. Just as we surrender beliefs and habits that no longer serve us, at the end of autumn deciduous trees begin to drop their leaves knowing that the extra mass, moisture and wind resistance of those leaves would be detrimental to their survival during the wintertime. Trees are also keenly aware of their resources and their weaknesses as they enter the colder season of the year. For example, a tree is wisely covered with lighter colored bark which helps to regulate its internal temperature and protects it from freezing to death. Just like a tree, when we are descending into the dark times of our lives, it is beneficial to know and connect to our own resources. Often friends, solitude, stillness and even nature can serve as a support to help navigate the challenges along the uncharted path ahead. This month, I invite you to take a walk outdoors and consider the trees where you live. What is the teaching they have for you? What season of life are you currently walking through? If you are in a period of uncertainty do you have resources, like a tree, that support you? Finally, I offer this beautiful poem written by Ilan Shamir, whose name means "protector of the trees." His work is about loving nature, creating products and programs that celebrate the beauty of nature and human nature. For more information abut Ilan visit Your True Nature. Advice from a Tree "Dear Friend, Stand Tall and Proud Sink your roots deeply into the Earth Reflect the light of a greater source Think long term Go out on a limb Remember your place among all living beings Embrace with joy the changing seasons For each yields its own abundance The Energy and Birth of Spring The Growth and Contentment of Summer The Wisdom to let go of leaves in the Fall The Rest and Quiet Renewal of Winter Feel the wind and the sun And delight in their presence Look up at the moon that shines down upon you And the mystery of the stars at night. Seek nourishment from the good things in life Simple pleasures Earth, fresh air, light Be content with your natural beauty Drink plenty of water Let your limbs sway and dance in the breezes Be flexible Remember your roots Enjoy the view!" -Ilan Shamir- ![]() Each morning this past school year, my kids and I enjoyed taking a walk as a way to balance our school day with time outside. Not only did this provide us a chance for great conversations, it also gave us the opportunity to observe the messengers of the natural world around us. Have you ever strolled along the beach, when suddenly you stumbled upon a beautiful shell or perhaps a feather at the exact moment you were thinking about someone or something special? Sometimes our lives keep us so busy that we forget to notice the subtle support and active relationship that nature has with us. In first century BC, Cicero wrote, "Everything is alive; everything is interconnected." The idea that we, as humans, are part of a larger picture or web of interconnection is ancient wisdom that has been passed down through cultures for many millennium. Systemic constellation is most often used to explore the disconnection in a family system, but can also be applied to our connection or disconnection to nature and the larger system that we are all a part of--the web of life. In 2015, I had the pleasure of attending a weekend workshop focusing on Nature Constellations with Francesca Mason Boring, facilitator and author of several books including Returning to Membership in Earth Community: Systemic Constellations with Nature. It was fascinating to see the support and desire for harmony from all aspects of nature that surround us. I learned the key is to be open to seeing these aspects of nature as relations, like family, to us in the larger web of life on Earth. Chief Seattle reminds us, "Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect." I invite you to reflect this month on your connection to nature and the support it provides for you each and every day. This month, in our mini-constellation exercise we will explore our relationship to nature and the messages it has for us. |
AuthorMy roles in life are many: woman, daughter, mother, partner, friend - and so many more. I am passionate about Systemic Constellations, genealogy, animism, healing, ritual, energy, art, and the places they meet in the world. Archives
February 2023
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